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Education Consultancy Services

Policy Development

Support to Develop Effective Education or Teacher Policy

A shared strategic vision is essential for education system stakeholders to play their role effectively. Simone’s consultative and participatory approach to policy development ensures adherence and buy-in, drawing on viewpoints from every level as well as international good practice. The resulting policies are context-specific, evidence-based and aligned with other policies and national priorities.
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Evidence-based Participatory Policy Development

  • Engages stakeholders at every level, from government and national and regional education management to teachers, teacher unions and professional organisations, school leaders and parents, to create a policy that is owned by those affected rather than imposed from above
  • Uses national and international data to ensure policies meet actual needs, are appropriate, realistic and affordable
  • Draws on extensive knowledge and experience of teacher policy development to ensure policies are aligned with international best practice and draw on lessons learned in comparable contexts
policy development approach

Case Studies

General rapporteur at Task Force for Teachers for EFA 5th International Policy Dialogue Forum

Moderation of thematic group on Inclusion in Teacher Policies and Practices and authorship of Policy Dialogue Forum General Report.

Development of National Policy Framework for Professionalisation of the Teaching Force in St Kitts and Nevis, in partnership with UNESCO

Facilitation of a multi-level participatory process to produce a comprehensive policy framework on teacher management and professional development.

Advice and Technical Assistance for Strengthening Teacher Education Programmes in Cambodia (STEPCam) in partnership with UNESCO

Development of a school-based continuous professional development (CPD) system for education personnel in alignment with revised teacher career pathway