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Education Consultancy Services


Research Training, Project Design and Execution

Simone’s extensive research background makes her an invaluable team leader or collaborator at all stages of research, from study design to researcher training or writing reports. She specialises in designing integrated mixed-method research projects, most of which include both qualitative ethnographic and quantitative data. Whether planning and conducting research projects with a large team or in a small group, her experience of inter-cultural working and respectful awareness of local norms and behaviour bring unique insights and skills to international field work.
Contact Simone

Rigorous research capturing local realities

Combining technical rigour with cultural awareness to achieve research goals.
  • First-hand experience overcoming the logistical challenges of field work in challenging environments
  • Flexible, respectful approaches to inter-cultural communication and norms, leading to creative solutions which capture the reality of a variety of cultural contexts
  • Rigorous quality assurance in training research teams and fieldwork protocols to preserve a high level of data quality
research approach

Case Studies

Coordinating research into teacher motivation and morale in Mozambique for the Mozambican Ministry of Education, DfID and VSO

A multilingual study based on qualitative


Mid-term and final external evaluations for Food for Education Project for USDA, Planet Aid International and ADPP Mozambique

Design, development, coordination and full oversight of evaluation process,


Country lead for baseline study of GEC Successful Transition and Advancement of Rights for Girls (STAR-G) Project for Save the Children Mozambique, in association with NFER.

Multilingual support and mediation between UK analysts and local groups to produce a baseline study of a project supporting girls’ access to
