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Education Consultancy Services

Case Studies

Case studies shown here are Simone’s descriptions of roles she has played rather than the official descriptions of these projects

Policy Guidelines in Teaching

Development of National Policy Framework for Professionalisation of the Teaching Force in St Kitts and Nevis, in partnership with UNESCO

Facilitation of a multi-level participatory process to produce a comprehensive policy framework on teacher management and professional development.


As part of its support to countries developing teacher policies, UNESCO contracted Simone to facilitate the creation of a foundational policy framework for the government of St Kitts and Nevis to be used in subsequent policy development. In a first mission to St Kitts and Nevis, Simone conducted wide-ranging focus groups to gather input from stakeholders including teachers, school leaders, students and parents, and Ministry of Education officials, and observed teaching in schools. She generated a draft policy framework utilising the insight gained from these observations and focus groups. This then underwent a further consultation process of verification and validation in stakeholder meetings during a second mission. Simone then produced the final overarching framework incorporating the input received, with chapters covering policy recommendations in four interconnected areas:

  • Teacher quality (pre-service recruitment, selection, initial teacher education and certification; licensing; professional standards; performance appraisal; school culture and leadership; teachers’ social and professional status)
  • Professional development and career opportunities (continuous professional development; support to teachers; career pathways; salary and reward)
  • Teacher management (workload and working conditions; deployment; disciplinary procedures; teacher management information systems)
  • Institutional arrangements (national teaching council; collaborations with other ministries and partners; internal arrangements)


The overarching policy framework is crafted in alignment with national priorities and existing policy instruments. While setting out a vision for the future of teacher management and development in St Kitts and Nevis, it also considers the necessary measures to allow the current teaching force to transition to this future reality, resulting in a more assured and professional teaching force for the country. The framework encompasses a move from in-service to pre-service teacher education and includes a four-year action plan and work plan for future consultancies. Widespread stakeholder participation in the planning stages helped to promote ownership of the resulting policy framework by reflecting the priorities and vision of those most concerned. Its application is expected to lead to enhanced teacher quality, professionalism and commitment and ultimately to improved outcomes for students.