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Education Consultancy Services

Case Studies

Case studies shown here are Simone’s descriptions of roles she has played rather than the official descriptions of these projects

Monitoring and evaluation plan for school feeding and literacy programme

Support in developing M&E plan for Food for Education Project for USDA, Planet Aid International and ADPP Mozambique

Liaising between donor and beneficiaries to create and implement an M&E plan that is practical, fit-for-purpose, accountable to the donor and empowering for staff and beneficiaries.


Planet Aid International and ADPP Mozambique’s £26 million Food for Education Project, supported by USDA, delivers school feeding in 260 schools across Mozambique, along with infrastructure, fresh water supplies, latrines, health interventions, and nutrition training and awareness, as well as a recently added literacy component. Simone conducted a week-long workshop with different components of the project to help ADPP clarify their M&E requirements prior to developing the plan. She successfully led the beneficiaries to take ownership of M&E and collect the information they needed. She ensured information collected was useful to the project’s requirements and able to generate a real-time visionof the project’s performance and needs.


The result was an M&E plan that fulfilled the donor’s requirements for accountability and alignment with standard indicators across countries and was also realistic in terms of the project’s resources. It empowered beneficiaries to take ownership of their information and contribute to strategic decisions.