Editing and advising on a Resource Manual on Ending Child Labour for Education International, the international federation of education unions
Support in finalising a resource manual based on union members’ contributions, making it user-friendly and fit for international application.
When Education International produced ‘Ending Child Labour: A resource manual for teachers and education unions’ based on members’ experience and expertise, Simone supported them with editing, restructuring, and rewriting the manual for international consumption. She ensured the contents were applicable in different cultural contexts and were internationally relevant, and brought the whole document in line with principles of child protection and good practice as outlined by international instruments.
Simone presented a draft of the Resource Manual for input and validation at the 3rd Global Conference on Child Labour, in Brasilia, Brazil. This comprehensive document, which addresses the nuances and challenges of ending child labour, is presented accessibly for users from a wide variety of cultural contexts. It shares examples of solutions and best practice in line with guidelines from UN conventions, EI and the ILO.
Download ENDING CHILD LABOUR A resource manual for teachers and education unions