Coordinating technical assistance in Human Resource Management and Development Strategy for Education in Mozambique
A year-long project, funded by the UK’s DFID, to provide technical assistance to the Ministry of Education and Culture, working alongside managers and staff in the National Human Resources Directorate.
Simone recruited and trained a small bilingual team, able to work comfortably with both Ministry staff and international partners, to develop individual and institutional capacity by using a participative, team-based approach to realise a number of strategic objectives. Simone’s team conducted a wide-ranging analysis of national and internal Human Resource systems and procedures, wrote and obtained consensus for Terms of Reference for the development of the first national Human Resource Management and Development strategy for Education in Mozambique, and devised a novel capacity building programme for provincial trainers of HR staff.
The project contributed to significant individual and organisational capacity development. The national Education Human Resource Management and Development strategy has since been developed and adopted by the Ministry and is gradually improving education system HR practices throughout the country.